While Rajkummar Rao playing the lead role, Srikanth stars Alaya F, Jyotika, and Sharad Kelkar will be sharing screen space in key roles. The movie hit screens on May 10.
Rajkummar Rao’s Srikanth was released on May 10, showcasing the story of Srikanth Bolla, an industrialist who overcame his visual impairment to establish Bollant Industries.
The film also stars Alaya F, Jyotika, and Sharad Kelkar in important roles. Due to the ongoing election season and the recently finished IPL, there have been fewer film releases.
Taking advantage of this, Srikanth has drawn in audiences, approaching the Rs 40 crore mark at the box office after its third weekend.
Srikanth Box Office
Srikanth has currently maintained a slow but steady performance at the box office, with a total collection of Rs 37.62 crore in 17 days.
The film first witnessed growth in its 3rd weekend, collecting around Rs 5.6 crore at the box office. However, in the 3rd Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the film’s earnings were Rs 1.18 crore, Rs 2.15 crore, and Rs 2.27 crore, respectively.
At the end of the 2nd week, Srikanth had collected Rs 32.02 crore. It appears the film is bound to surpass the Rs 40 crore mark in the following week, just before the release of another Rajkummar Rao starrer, Mr & Mrs Mahi, which also features Janhvi Kapoor.
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